Quality Control and Staff Training

Our firm emphasizes the importance of quality control of our work and staff training.

Quality Control

A team-based approach is one part of quality control of our legal services.
In our law firm, while we conduct quality control in keeping with the philosophy and the system design methods of ISO9001, we take a pDCAP approach rather than a PDCA approach.
As the discussion at the first P (plan) stage needs to be in-depth and it requires a huge amount of time and effort to devise a complete plan, there is a greater possibility that this cannot be done in a timely manner. That is why our thinking is based on p (planning) the key points after undertaking a degree of thought and discussion, then we move on to the D (doing) and C (check) and A (act: review) as we run with it and hone the P (plan). We view this pDCAP, not as a cycle, but as a spiral that is dynamic and evolving, and we aim to develop and execute it on a higher plane.
This point is the same as when handling legal cases, once the team has worked out the prospects and put together the plan in p, they continue to continually discuss and review the specific case as they deal with it. This also provides on-the-job-training for junior lawyers.


At our law firm we give great consideration to the recruitment of lawyers and staffs of the Administration Division to ensure that we have a small, select team of professionals who share the values enshrined in our guiding principles while also ensuring diversity.
We invest a lot of people in conducting interviews of candidates based on objective documentation and use our firm’s unique know how to recruit a small, select team of professionals that meet our firm’s values.
However, we don’t think of the many people who have applied to work for us as “not being right for us” but rather as their having applied as being another form of relationship with us. Consequently, we try to ensure the people we do not end up employing are not left with an unpleasant memory of the process, and in some cases we have even committed ourselves to assisting candidates who were unsuccessful with us with the next stage in their job search.
In addition to new graduates, we also employ some mid-career lawyers and staffs in order to supplement areas, skills and manpower where our firm’s resources alone are insufficient and we also endeavor to secure diversity and strength.

Staff Training

We conduct training programs for lawyers, such as those described below.

(1) Attending our firm’s internal seminars for new recruits -> (2) Attending external seminars -> (3) Being a lecturer at our firm’s internal seminars -> (4) Being a trainer at our client’s in-company trainings -> (5) Being a lecturer at external seminars -> (6) Being a teacher or instructor at the Legal Training and Research Institute of Japan or at a law school. Teaching others is the best form of self-study, and through learning and teaching and doing the above mentioned activities, our lawyers are able to hone their skills. Thus, we see learning as life-long and that is what we practice.

OJT Cycle
In addition to the above, we engage in the activities described in the Business Practices section and are constantly honing our skills through on-the-job-training.

(1) Wide variety of actual working experience as a lawyer (working as a liaison for the client from the time they come in to our firm as a new hire) -> (2) Preparation for partial secondment (training in area of expertise relevant to the organization where the lawyer will be seconded to) -> (3) Partial secondment (experience actual work at company, etc., where the lawyer is seconded to) -> (4) Cultivating profound expertise -> (5) Wide variety of actual work experience (to become the generalist)